
Base Web supports English as the default language. Following the instructions below, you can use other languages too.

Internationalization example

The shape of the locale file

  "accordion": {
    "collapse": "Collapse",
    "expand": "Expand"
  "breadcrumbs": {
    "ariaLabel": "Breadcrumbs navigation"
  "datepicker": {
    "ariaLabel": "Select a date",
    "previousMonth": "Previous month",
    "nextMonth": "Next month",
    "screenReaderMessageInput": "Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the escape button to close the calendar.",
    "timePickerAriaLabel": "Select a time",
    "timezonePickerAriaLabel": "Select a timezone"
  "buttongroup": {
    "ariaLabel": "button group"
  "fileuploader": {
    "dropFilesToUpload": "Drop files here to upload",
    "or": "or",
    "browseFiles": "Browse files",
    "retry": "Retry Upload",
    "cancel": "Cancel"
  "menu": {
    "noResultsMsg": "No results"
  "modal": {
    "close": "Close"
  "pagination": {
    "prev": "Prev",
    "next": "Next",
    "preposition": "of"
  "select": {
    "noResultsMsg": "No results found",
    "placeholder": "Select...",
    "create": "Create"
  "toast": {
    "close": "Close"

If you'd like to contribute a locale, please send a Pull Request based on the en_US locale.